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What are the district’s needs?

While the Van Meter Community School District represents a big point of pride in our community, we have some significant facility needs that we must address soon.


At the elementary level, our students and staff have outgrown their current spaces and need additional classrooms to meet the demands of 21st century learning. We also must continue to enhance school safety and security, particularly through secure entrances. 


Our existing spaces also require some renovations, including classroom conversions, an expanded dining area, and parking/traffic flow improvements.


By acting now, we can address these needs and ensure our school continues to provide excellent learning environments for students and our community both now and in the future.


What would happen if these needs are not addressed?

If we do not address these needs soon, our students will continue to be without the space, facilities, and resources they need to receive the best-possible educational experience. 


We believe the time has come to address our facility needs to ensure students continue to have access to the resources and spaces they need to be successful in Van Meter schools. We look to make wise investments in our facilities to ensure a quality educational setting and to support the community’s continued growth.


What is the proposed solution to address these needs?

The Board of Education has placed a bond issue question on the ballot for Tuesday, November 7, 2023. The total amount of the bond would be $18 million.


If the question receives at least 60% approval, the district will move forward with two significant additions to our elementary and secondary schools.


Addition #1 would focus on the elementary building and include:

  • New classrooms

  • Secure entrance suite

  • New multipurpose performance space to serve district-wide needs

  • New secondary science lab

  • Increased restrooms & improved concessions at the stadium

  • Increased parking


This first addition will be two stories between the elementary side of the building and the 1927 building. It will add both elementary and secondary classrooms, including for multipurpose performing arts, band, music, art, and science. There will also be enough elementary classrooms for up to five sections per grade level.


Addition #2 would focus on providing a new secure entrance for middle school and high school students. 


Along with the additions, an approved bond would allow for renovations to the current building, including a dining space expansion and the conversion of classrooms to meet 21st century learning needs. The district would also make site improvements to increase parking and improve vehicular and pedestrian flow. 


Per Iowa law, the bond issue must receive at least 60% voter approval to pass.


How will these projects be funded?

The proposed renovation and improvement projects would be funded through a combination of bond, PPEL, and SAVE funds:


  • $18 million would come from the proposed bond issue, if approved by voters.

  • $1.7 million would come from funds through the district’s Physical Plant & Equipment Levy (PPEL). These funds may only be used for infrastructure and equipment repairs, purchases, and improvements.

  • $13 million would come from the one-cent statewide sales tax, also known as SAVE. Using these funds would not impact property taxes or the sales tax in our community.


Will community members get to vote on the proposed solution to the district's facilities needs?

Yes. The School Board has approved a bond issue question that will appear on the ballot Tuesday, November 7, 2023. 


How would an approved bond affect property taxes?

Property taxpayers will not see an increase to the district's tax rate with an approved bond. The district is committed to keeping the overall tax rate at the current rate of $16.10 per $1,000 of taxable valuation—or less when possible.


Although we continue to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, the district cannot address these needs through its operational budget alone. The cost to address these needs will only become more expensive in the future, as construction costs and interest rates continue to rise. 


Why should we move forward with these improvements now?

The district is at a point where we cannot delay addressing our facility needs any longer. Although we continually strive to be a conscientious steward of taxpayer dollars, the district does not have the resources to complete the necessary improvements through its operational budget alone.


It’s also important to note that the cost to address these needs will only become more expensive in the future, as construction costs and interest rates continue to rise.


The district and board aim to keep property taxes as low as possible in our community and will continue to work to balance the needs of our students and schools with those of our community members as we invest in our local schools.  


When is election day?

The bond question will appear on a special election ballot Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on election day.


Is absentee voting available for this election?

Yes. Voters may complete an absentee ballot in person at the County Auditor’s Office during normal business hours. The last day to vote by absentee ballot in person is the day before the election.


To vote absentee by mail, ballots must be requested by October 23 and returned by November 7. Find the absentee ballot request form at:



Van Meter Community School District  |  520 1st Avenue  |  Van Meter, IA 50261  |  District Website

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